Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Flying for a Four

As far as traveling goes, four continents before four months' old is not bad going. That is exactly where Luka is headed when he touches down in London tomorrow to attend his mommy's graduation from Oxford University. I will admit that the reality or even possibility of this trip was far from our minds when he surprised us with his arrival in March. We are thrilled that he is doing so well, and so far (touch wood of course) has proven to be an excellent traveler (much better than his napping skills!).

Monday, July 11, 2011

Academic Nap

11 July 2011 - Luka practicing his new napping skills
After 10 days in Pretoria with family, and nearly as many large social gatherings (including a family wedding, a 60th, a 30th, and almost a Christening (long story), we are back in Cape Town for only 2 days before departing to the UK on Wednesday. I know Luka's fans are starving for news on his progress.  Well, his weight as of today is now a whopping 4.48kg (nearly 10 lbs!), and he is 58cm long.

Here is a photo I took of him today as he kept us company in the dining room.  While I worked on a lecture I have to give at Oxford university next week, and Chris caught up on his MA studies for SOAS, Luka joined us for a bit of serious napping-in-training.
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Saturday, July 2, 2011


On a recent visit to the Pub at the Brass Bell restaurant in Kalk Bay, Luka and his grandpa had all sorts of exciting things to discuss.

"...pst, Grandpa..."

Have you seen my mommy - I mean, what does a
boy have to do to get a drink over here?

"Seriously?  You mean she's not here right now?"

"Ah! that's funny, I know she never goes far from me!"

...20 minutes later...

Good feed - burp cloth = grandpa burping me over the
shucked oyster shells :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Oh! Such a fabulous Ouma!

28 June - thoroughly enjoying the toy 'worm' my Ouma
uses to amuse me

26 June - Hm...what to do...what to do..

...that's right, I think I'll have a nap in Ouma's arms