Sunday, April 29, 2012

An anniversary worth celebrating!

Our very first photo of Luka at home watching the
Royal Wedding with daddy in Darwin
The 29th of April marks one of the most important anniversaries for us.  And before you accuse me of being a royalist, it only links to the famous nuptuals insofar as it was the very first thing we got to do with Luka outside the confines of a hospital.  As the world looks back at the first year of Kate and Will as future king and queen of England - we can only look back at our first year since Luka was released from the Royal Darwin Hospital on this day, exactly one year ago, and exactly 5 weeks and 3 days after his birth and go - jowzer! 

In looking at this boy sitting on the tailgate of our 4Runner in Dili yesterday gearing up for a hike in the hills - hard to believe he was the size of a sack of flour when Kate kissed Will on the balcony one year ago (to the hour as I write this....)

Hey guys - are we going already!