Thursday, July 12, 2012


Cuddle time...
After a tumultuous time that included Chris and Luka having to leave Dili early with a bout of bronchiolitis and a chest infection, leaving mommy behind to work on the parliamentary elections in Timor-Leste - we are finally reunited in Scarborough.  Admittedly it was rough going for a few days as Luka got reacquainted with mommy - and we've been dealing with some separation anxiety every since...however, things are on the mend and we are finally settling in and slowing down.  Here is Luka enjoying his latest scheme: wake up at 05h30 and cry until one of my parents lets me sleep on their chest until 08h00 :)  Bad parenting?  Be my guest, try and resist this....

Much better way to wake up

hi mamma!