Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Jimmy Shooooos.

One thing we have learned is that Luka looooves shoes.  So much so that it is one of his very first words (right after 'Das' (for Gus the cat), and 'wa-wa' (for warm, which despite it's mild English meaning it means hot in Afrikaans) was shoooooos.

He is constantly putting his own shoes on, and off, and on, and off, all day long.  It is practically the first thing he wants to do in the morning, and heaven forbid if you are not quick enough!  So needless to say, he simply looves playing in our dressing room where all of daddy's shoes are (usually temporarily) neatly laid out in a row.  He somehow always manages to pick the biggest pair from the lot, and does his morning calf workout.

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