Sunday, January 15, 2012

Play nice...

 It has been so interesting watching Luka and his peers develop their own sense of 'self'.  We believe that all the interaction with other kids will (hopefully) lay the foundation for important notions like 'sharing', 'empathy' and other traits I suppose every parent aspires their children to have.  For the time being though the whole sense of where 'you' begin and where 'I' end is not always so clear.

Once upon a time there were two little boys who loved
to hang out together and play 
From time to time the two little boys would have a
disagreement about who's turn it was to play with
the toy...

And so they would have to sort it out
the only way boys know how... strongly voicing displeasure at the
current state of things!
...with requisite retaliation of course.

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