Monday, August 20, 2012

Planting a vegetable garden

I know there has to be a cookie in here
 I've always said, of all the cool things I've been fortunate enough to do in life, eating food from my own garden was one of the most incredible experiences.  Those who have followed our previous blog on our kitchen adventures in Afghanistan may recall that we had a lovely vegetable garden in Kabul which provided us with abundant tomatoes, lettuce and plenty of other goodies.  So, I've decided to give it a 'go' one more time in Dili.  While I won't have my trusty chowkidor to assist, I am happy to report, I have a new, willing helper!  Luka and his friends had a blast digging in the dirt, disorganizing our seed stash, and of course - driving the biggest garden tools he could find!

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