Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Kaito Kiss

Luka is super fortunate to have some of the most awesome friends here in Dili.  Only in an expat setting can you have seven nationalities between 3 of Luka's closest friends is a Japanese-American named Kaito.  We had the pleasure of spending a lovely Friday evening of sunset drinks on the beach with Kaito and his parents - where Luka decided to try out his new 'kissing' skills.  Kaito was less than impressed see Exhibit B.

"If you do that again, I'll punch you!"

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Jimmy Shooooos.

One thing we have learned is that Luka looooves shoes.  So much so that it is one of his very first words (right after 'Das' (for Gus the cat), and 'wa-wa' (for warm, which despite it's mild English meaning it means hot in Afrikaans) was shoooooos.

He is constantly putting his own shoes on, and off, and on, and off, all day long.  It is practically the first thing he wants to do in the morning, and heaven forbid if you are not quick enough!  So needless to say, he simply looves playing in our dressing room where all of daddy's shoes are (usually temporarily) neatly laid out in a row.  He somehow always manages to pick the biggest pair from the lot, and does his morning calf workout.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Beach Cruiser

 A few weeks ago, Chris and I finally decided that it had become too much of an occupational hazard to try and take our darling Luka to public establishments for sundowners.  It usually goes something like this:
 ", how's work?"
"yeah, go.....BABE, he's on top of the stairs...gooo!"
"sorry about that...Luka, OFF the table!"
"how about you? How's the fam...Luka, watch OUT"

instead - we took the *free* beer in our fridge, and walked down to the *free* beach located about 3 blocks from our house (though Dili's town planning in now way shape or form actually constitutes city blocks for the most part, more like 'enclaves', nevertheless).  With a blanky, a cooler, and Luka's favorite toy in tow - we were able to spend an hour watching him run up and down the beach with no fear of launching himself off a stair case, breaking glasses, or climbing on tables - because there were none of those things around!  Yeah, one for us!

"Ah-ha! Let's see how fast we can go!"

"Not so fast, I will come around and GRAB you from the
"Whoa there!"

There comes a time when riding IN the Chariot is no longer
acceptable, one now has to DRIVE the Chariot

Hm, I love putting pebbles into mommy's beer bottle...

"Hey! Enough with the camera already, I
feel like one of Brangelina's adopted kids!"

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bday bliss for mommy

Turned the space between our homes into an awesome
dinner venue to celebrate to Libra birthdays...
Mommy's little helper...
After an awesome bday 'braai' with neighbor, friend and fellow Libra, Maarten on the 29th - I  celebrated a blissful bday brunch on the beach with my two favorite boys... Fortunately Luka was there to help me unwrap my prezzies, and practice his latest word 'ouch' for my knee. 
hanging out - reminding mommy why she really needs to
think about switching to 'tankinis' ;)

'Where's Luka's tongue?'



Dili International School

Deep down inside we are VERY nervous....
Apparently there comes a time in everyone's life...when the eternal educational wheel starts turning.  For some it is brief, for others a rather extended walk through life (my mother got her PhD in her 50s)...but nonetheless - we all have to start somewhere.  And so, Master Luka started at the Dili International School Pre-school a few months ago (yes his mother is only now getting around to sharing this groundbreaking news with you).

Now, trying to get Luka to appreciate the notion of 'circle time'
will take some doing....

'now why would I sit in a stupid circle when there are
playground equipment to conquer??'

'...afterall, I have a perfectly good view of the "circle" from here'
Essentially there are a few international schools in Dili.  The one that Luka frequents is commonly referred to as the 'Australian school' for following the curriculum from our friends down under, and staffed mainly by Australian teachers; whereas there is also an American and Portuguese school in town.

And then of course, nothing makes you as hungry as
I visited the pre-school with my mother-in-law shortly before they left Timor in August to get an educated opinion (she is after all an educational psychologist) and she was very positive and impressed about the setup.  So Chris and I decided that, despite not necessarily wanting to send Luka to school before he was 18 months old, the combination of his energy, and exploratory desire to learn things - that he was in fact, ready to start a more structured form of stimulation.  He goes 3 mornings a week and gets to hang out with Ms. Glau and all the friends doing circle time, painting, singing (his favorite is the dancing!~)

We have been absolutely amazed at how fast he learns and makes associations.  He is really starting to listen to requests, and instructions - which in the case of such a passionate little person, is a good thing ;)