Sunday, October 21, 2012

Beach Cruiser

 A few weeks ago, Chris and I finally decided that it had become too much of an occupational hazard to try and take our darling Luka to public establishments for sundowners.  It usually goes something like this:
 ", how's work?"
"yeah, go.....BABE, he's on top of the stairs...gooo!"
"sorry about that...Luka, OFF the table!"
"how about you? How's the fam...Luka, watch OUT"

instead - we took the *free* beer in our fridge, and walked down to the *free* beach located about 3 blocks from our house (though Dili's town planning in now way shape or form actually constitutes city blocks for the most part, more like 'enclaves', nevertheless).  With a blanky, a cooler, and Luka's favorite toy in tow - we were able to spend an hour watching him run up and down the beach with no fear of launching himself off a stair case, breaking glasses, or climbing on tables - because there were none of those things around!  Yeah, one for us!

"Ah-ha! Let's see how fast we can go!"

"Not so fast, I will come around and GRAB you from the
"Whoa there!"

There comes a time when riding IN the Chariot is no longer
acceptable, one now has to DRIVE the Chariot

Hm, I love putting pebbles into mommy's beer bottle...

"Hey! Enough with the camera already, I
feel like one of Brangelina's adopted kids!"

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