Friday, November 2, 2012

Mountain-bound to Maubisse

Trouble on two wheels... 
Since a friend and colleague was melting in front of our eyes (he's an East Coaster in some desperate need of 'fall weather'), a group of us decided to pack up and head to the mountains for the long weekend last week.  Here's three things I learned from that trip:

  1. Friends don't let friends travel with toddlers alone
  2. Yes, we can in fact survive an entire weekend without nannies
  3. I want a motorcycle again

Now let's see, where could they have gotten this from? 
On Friday morning (somewhere between 09h00-11h00) we finally set off, the (big) boys on motorbikes, and the (small boys) and girls in two cars - which meant Luka and I were headed off solo - armed with a bucket load of Cheerios, a mountain of Marie biscuits and an iPod full of nursery rhymes for the 2-4 hour drive (roads are terrible, and people's speeds vary so much it is hard to get a good estimate at any given time of how long a particular course would actually take you).

The drive for us was uneventful - Luka fell asleep for 2 hours and I relished in the enjoyable (terrible roads notwithstanding) long drive, by myself, with a sleeping angel, good music and cool weather to match the winding roads up the hillsides.  We briefly stopped for lunch (read: chasing 3 boys around a local restaurant filled with dogs and other interesting things, and trying skillfully to wee in a less-than-stellar bathroom with said boys in tow), and arrived in Maubisse at the Pousada shortly after lunch time.

"My Supreme Court Justice-at-lunch impersonation"
At the Pousada we were thrilled to find that we actually had rooms (apparently reservation doesn't mean much at this destination-with-a-view) and cold beers soon ensued.

The rest of the weekend was spent hanging out on our porch where they boys played (and Luka tried to escape either through the door, or by climbing over the strategically placed cooler boxes at the entrance to the porch).  The guys went motorbiking, we did some sight seeing, and generally just chilled out.  Evenings were spent drinking copious quantities of wine, debating the (then) upcoming American election, and all things toddler-hood.  Very nice to sit on a porch in cool fall-like air with awesome friends. 

Kaito showing up the Timorese kids with his skills

"I'm telling you, I KNOW that's where
they hide the cookies...just follow me!"

"Whoa dad!"

"Faster! Faster!"

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