Thursday, January 23, 2014

Pedaling4Preemies fundraising site launched!

 Click on the image to donate
Dili, 1 February 2014 - Team Pedaling4Preemies is now official - complete with logo and all!

Please click on the logo above to visit our fundraising site if you would like to make a contribution to our cause.

Remember, we're raising money and awareness for premature babies in Timor-Leste by promoting skin-to-skin and infant massage.  Money raised through this campaign will go directly toward supporting premature babies in Timor-Leste, no 'admin' fees or any other expenses related to our participation in this race will benefit from your generous contribution.

In case you are not up to speed, we are riding the 718km, 8-day Cape Epic to raise awareness (and a bit of money) for all those babies born too soon without the benefit of first-world healthcare.  Personal experience has shown that simple, low-tech solutions can have an enormous impact on the welfare of preemies - and we would like to try and give something back to the place we've called home for almost four years.

Please feel free to get in touch with us if you have any questions by posting a comment here.  And a special shout-out to the awesome guys at Catalpa International for the awesome logo design!!


  1. Cm hospital Fertility Centre in Chennai states that Preterm birth that were common during these modern world which would be resolved with the guidance from the experts who would help you out in order to be safe as well prevent these preterm defects.
