Thursday, February 9, 2012

My first coach: swim lesson in Dili

Lining up for instructions from
Coach Meg
Well, it had to happen sometime - Luka has his first 'coach', and not surprisingly - it involved water.  Apart from a few dodgy weeks in the tub when he was about 3 months old (might have had something to do with the sudden onset of freezing exit air in Cape Town versus what he was used to in Darwin), the boy has always loved water.  And while he has spent about as much time in the water as out of it since moving to Dili, he finally had his first official swim lesson yesterday.  We did a combination of stationary exercises followed by a number of movements around the pool in which the babies were transferred from front to back, encouraged to kick, paddle, and float.  For a brief video, click HERE.

Making the rounds
Members of the Dili Bub Club joined at chez twins+1 for their first structured swim lesson with a very competent and experienced instructor from Australia named Meg.  With seven babies in the pool, it was not for the faint of heart, but Meg walked us through the basics of floating on the back, the front, putting the face in the water, passing the baby from one person to another to get them used to being submerged. Luka clung to me like a nut hanging onto my hair (and earrings) for dear life when on his back, but when on the front, was happily laughing and kicking up a storm.

Practicing blowing bubbles

A great initiative, and definitely beneficial to bubs and parents alike, can't wait for next Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there
    Wow, can see how much Luka loves the swimming lessons. Well, if he takes after his parents, he will have no problems in learning to swim very quickly. And then he can join his father in scuba when he is older. Thanks for the short video clip. It really is short, huh!

    Ouma from SA
