Monday, March 28, 2011

Let the Legend begin...

Luka Day 4
Ever since we learned that we were pregnant somewhere between seven and eight months ago, Chris and I have endured the endless reminders that our lives will forever be ruled by whoever I was baking in my belly.  As most expecting parents do I suppose, we calmly obliged and thanked the observer for their kind reminder and went about our business. Little did we know exactly how powerful a force a new baby can be...particularly if he decides to make his appearance 10 weeks early, which is exactly what happened to us one unsuspecting Monday when we were medically evacuated from Dili, Timor-Leste to the nearest port with healthcare facilities, Darwin, Australia.

More on the whole transfer and adventure of that day later, for now, allow us to briefly introduce you to our latest blog Loving Luka.  Dedicated entirely to the indescribable, unbelievable, emotionally charged, lump in your throat, rule your world love that you can experience for 1.7kg of mostly skin and bone, and so much heart.

The past week has been a profound experience in every single way.  We are humbled, honored and blessed by this most beautiful little person that has come into our lives and we will endeavor to share some of our experiences with you here.  This blog will follow our love and acquaintance with Luka, as well as the inevitable trials and tribulations of learning to care for a preemie bound to a high care nursery unit.

Please visit here often, post your comments, and feel free to share with friends and family.


  1. Suz, Chris and Luka, I am sending all the love and healing prayers I can find in my heart for you three. I am amazed, proud and happy for you all. Please stay positive. You have a miracle on your hands. I'd expect nothing less! Love to you guys! xxoo, Ang

  2. What a beautiful blog. Your guys are amazing and we are so proud of all three of you. What a crazy but miraculous event! He is such a strong wee man. My boys pray for Luka every night that he'd grown big and strong just like them! (and so do we!) Happy Birthday Lil Luk!

  3. I risk making a nuisance of myself, but when you have a moment (and an emotionally unoccupied one!) - 2009 study on benefits of infant massage in preemies....

    interesting if nothing else! Some hospitals and drs are fans and have active programmes (in the uk i know) others not...
