Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Luka's First Photos

The following few posts are letters written to family immediately following the arrival of our dear Luka. 

March 24, 2011
Dear Family,

My first photo in the Isolette
As promised, here are the first photos of our precious little Luka.  As you all know by now, he decided that he wanted to be his daddy's surprise birthday present, so rather unexpectedly made his appearance at exactly 15:00 on 22 March 2011, in the Royal Darwin Hospital, Australia.  Not exactly how we had it planned, but seems he is already trending to being as unpredictable as his parents.  

Mommy's first visit
Briefly: Luka Martin Serjak (the name was chosen to reflect his paternal grandfather's initials, L.M. Serjak, as well as his given first name (Martin) that is also his great grandfather's middle name).  "Luka" was chosen for its Slavic roots to match the Serjak name, and yes - was just 'us'.  Luka was born at an estimated 30 weeks and 5 days, measured 40.5cm (16.2inches) long, weighed 1,777kg (3lbs14oz) and came out screaming.  He was delivered naturally by two midwives (and a whole lot of doctors hiding behind a curtain) - more on the whole process later.

My first cuddle
Here are some of his first photos.  Most importantly, he breathed on his own from the start, and never required ventilation.  The pipe you see in his nose is called a CPAP - Continuous Positive Airway Pressure , which simply helps a little guy like him keep his lungs open and clear to allow his brave breaths in.  Good news is that he was completely removed from the CPAP within 24 hours and is doing fantastic on his own.  Further good news is that he seemed to have come with his dad's appetite as all he wants to do is suck on something, which we understand is a very positive sign for this gestational age. Susan has been expressing milk, and Luka received his first taste of the liquid gold administered by his daddy on a swab early on the 2nd day.  By 11pm on the 23rd, the nurse believed it was time to try our first breastfeed.  Not sure who has the most to learn, but pretty sure it is I.  We are not quite there yet, as a little preemie of 31 weeks is not yet able to coordinate breathing, sucking and swallowing at the same time - but he is giving it his best and we will try again this morning.
Soothed with a 'hand womb'

Attached a few photos, they are small files to allow me to do this quickly, will make an online album soon.  Request that you please continue to respect our privacy at this time with no Facebook posts or other types of public announcements as we have not even begun to think of where to start announcing this - but my work for instance does not even know yet.

As from mom and dad, we are doing great.  Susan spent only one night in hospital after the birth to watch for bleeding, and has been up and around since 30 minutes after the birth.  We had a nice steak dinner last night, and slept in a hotel, until we settle into more permanent accommodation for the next weeks.  We anticipate to be here at least 5-6 weeks, as the requirement is to be at 'Term' and 2.5kg before Luka can go home.  We still intend to travel to South Africa as soon as feasible, and will keep you posted more regularly.

First taste of breast milk on a swab
For now, please enjoy some of the photos, remember, he is a little guy, but we have already watched him improve by leaps and bounds in under 48-hours.

Lots of love, and our sincere apologies for making you all worry during this time.  Our numbers in Aus are:
+61-424-325-491 (Susan) and +61-424-084-315.  We ask that you please check the time zone carefully and not send texts or call during the night, as we have to keep our phones on at all times.  Note the differences for South Africa is +7hours and for CA is +17 hours. 

Thank you for your prayers and support, please keep them coming, this is only the beginning of our journey.
Being treated for jaundice, but already interested in sucking

Susan, Chris and Luka

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