Sunday, October 2, 2011

My first swim

Luka loving every minute of his first swim!
After moving to the Tropics a few days ago, Luka has had to deal with an introduction to all sorts of incredible creatures.  To list a few, these have included: his toes (not seen for six months); mosquitoes (to be avoided at all times); his sweat glands (also, non-functional bar a few hours outside the NICU in Darwin in April); and now today - the best of them all, the swimming pool.

'Splish splash I was taking a ...swim'

We took Luka over to his good friend (and near twin (corrected)), Adrian to play in his neighbor's pool.  Since Luka has spent the last four months in a place where only seals and migrating whales like to swim (I am convinced because they get some travel discount), it was officially his first swim outside mommy's over-sized sunken tub in the bathroom.  Needless to say his ouma had him well prepared for the event and we had a number of bathing suits to choose from.  We went for the island/surfer-dude boy look in a stylish vertical stripe number in blue and white.

Adrian looks like he is saying 'stop
splashing me or I'll punch you!'
To say that he enjoyed the cool water after the (unfortunately non-air-conditioned) ride over to Adrian's house is an understatement as he practically leaped in the water.  He stayed in for at least thirty minutes, splashing, kicking - and yes, splashing Adrian and others around him.  The activity was promptly followed by a nap on mommy's shoulder.  I think a repeat will be in order in the coming days.

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