Sunday, October 30, 2011


Luka with daddy after he finished his first-ever marathon.
Cool shiny thing!
I am noticing just how hard it is to keep the blogging going, what with my full-time job and trying to spend every waking moment in the mornings and evenings with Luka before he goes to bed.  So it goes without saying that I hope family (and friends still hanging on there) will forgive me if photos and updates are not always as timely.

There might be a cuter smile out there somewhere, but
I sure haven't found it yet. 
Part of the reason it is tough to keep up with photos is because we do try and be as active as possible with Luka - for both his and our benefit.  So many people warned us when we were pregnant and even after he was born about just how much our lives would change, and there is no longer any time for anything for yourself etc.  And we get that - life is different - we no longer jump on our motorbikes at 10pm and go out, but then again it's sort of great to see how our life has evolved to a point where that is no longer something we long for and therefore miss.  Instead, we're much more likely to spend time together over a bottle of wine while cooking after we have put the little man to bed at 7pm.  

One of the ways in which we have tried to maintain a little bit of balance is by trying (as best we can) to incorporate Luka into our activities.  So I have been doing 'baby yoga' on Saturdays with him, and we recently took him up coast with us (and Ouma the magical baby sitter) so that we could go diving, and just last week we assembled our new super-duper baby stroller cum bike trailer cum baby ski (that's right!) the Chariot Cougar I  (which basically means that my 7-month old now has a more expensive bicycle than I do, but then again, he also has more clothes than me, so par for the course I suppose).  

Out for a jog (mommy's first in a year!) with the new
Super Wagon!

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