Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Super Sunday

"Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you See?
Watch out for the crocs! No visit
is complete without a dip.
Everyone in Dili knows that Caz Bar is pretty much a legend on a Sunday  morning.  For those of you not familiar with this institution - a chill-out spot on the beach with three distinct shifts on a Sunday.  Shift #1: 0800-1100 - parents with young children and babies - the only folks in Dili up before 10:00 on a Sunday, and by Sunday morning suffering from a small bout of cabin fever, these folks with kids trek to the beach with sun tents, beach mats, pool floaties and a plethora of other seemingly necessary commodities to avoid the mid-day sun.  This group generally departs pretty promptly when the little bub becomes fussy and in need of that mid-morning nap;  1100-1300 - enter the singletons/child-less party goers who were out until close to the time that we left the house to go to Caz Bar, to nurse hangovers and remind themselves of the shenanigans from the night before; and by 13:00 when the nap attack strikes the young and the restless, the Timorese are emerging from their Catholic mass just in time to take over for the afternoon shift. 

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