Thursday, March 1, 2012

Luka in his man-jamas (aka Afghan Shalwar Kameez)

Our young man donning his Afghan

Luka would like to thank his auntie Vic who sent him an authentic shalwar kameez all the way from Afghanistan to Cape Town.  Of course when we received the package in the mail, young master Luka was but barely 3kg and we were convinced he would never EVER fit into the outfit.  Low and behold... he was able to don the man-jamas to Bub Club on Sunday.  Of course, as with all of these pants, it does not come with a drawstring, but mommy quickly improvised by borrowing the handy draw-string with tie thingy from our TRX training system.

And Luka being very haraam trying to grab daddy's beer! 

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