Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Luka's LA Premier

Well, turns out that we didn't pick the best weekend in LA, weather-wise.  Unless you prefer your weather Chicago-style.  Our initial plan of a simple beach gathering had to be slightly altered for fear of Luka and his balloons going airborne.  So we shifted the whole deal indoors to the Cheesecake Factory right next to the beach.  Despite the blustery weather, more than 30 of our close friends, professors, neighbors and kids showed up to see Luka (we know it had nothing to do with us).

Thank you to each of you that braved the weather to come out and catch up, in many instances, it has been years, in all instances - it has been too long.

Despite his jet lag, Luka seemed to enjoy the party (and the various naps he took in people's arms).

Good times, good friends. Thank you all

(And apologies to those that could not find us, we made multiple trips to the beach to make sure we let everyone know that we moved indoors)

Here are a few photos from the party:


Hmmm cheesecake

Luka napping in aunt Sherril's arms

Birthday boy

Professor Bender - the instigator of it all!

With  uncle Eric and aunt Cinnamon.

Exhausted boy in the car afterwards.

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