Monday, March 12, 2012

Luka turns 1, Dili Style!

On Sunday morning, Chris and I hosted an early (seemed fitting) birthday party for Luka for all his Dili bub-friends.

As one does in the Tropics, the festivities took place on the beach.  While we considered catering the whole thing, it seemed important and fitting for us to bake for this momentous birthday, given our history with baked goods at special anniversaries.  Specifically, we decided to bake the same cupcakes for his first birthday as we did for his 1-week birthday.

An amazingly large contingent of our bub-club friends and bubs showed up to celebrate this wonderful milestone.  We are so incredibly grateful for our friends, who are really our family away from home.

As I said in my brief remarks, to think that this boisterous bubbling young boy once weighed 1.5kg still blows me away.  But here he was, playing with his buds, smashing a cupcake and enjoying the good weather, cheer and wonderful atmosphere.

Here are a few of my favorite photos from that day...many more to follow...

The birthday boy and his mommy....

Chris sampling the goods

Luka's personalized decorations which came in JUST
in time courtesy of Susan's colleague from San Francisco

Emotional Susan...

The little party-goers enjoying the animal print balloons

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Yes, we can't believe it is Luka's first birthday! What a journey he has had! And you, Chris and Susan as well! Congratulations with the fine job you have done. Can't wait to celebrate his 'real'birthday in the States. Can see he enjoyed the Dili one so much!
