Monday, August 29, 2011

Luka goes to Oxford - July 2011

Luka traveled to Oxford with mommy, daddy and the whole extended family in July for mommy's graduation.  We had a fun-filled trip full of hikes, punts, pubs and other activities.  Luka spent the majority of his days in his Ergo baby carrier, or arms of eager friends.
The whole family outside our rented house in Oxford
15 July 2011

A trip to Oxford would not be complete without a visit
to "Kings Arms! Kings Arms!"

Luka enjoying the Turf Tavern during daylight hours,after
being tossed out the night before...silly laws. 

Loving the train ride to Edinburgh!

About an hour before the Graduation Ceremony at Kellogg
College 16 July 2011
View of the graduation ceremony to which Luka was
not allowed, fortunately aunts and uncles are wonderful
things who took care of him at the pub!

The night after graduation at the New College formal

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