Monday, August 22, 2011

Niggie Hannah comes to visit!

Luka and Hannah having a little chat about the erratic
Cape weather and the Springboks' performance
against the Kiwis - 22 Aug 2011
Luka had the distinct pleasure of hosting his niggie (cousin) Hannah this weekend.  While she is technically not his cousin since she is the adorable daughter of Susan's cousin Susan (yes, you read that right, there are four of us as a matter of fact), we figured it is way too complicated to come up with "first-removes" or "second" anythings, and have therefore decided in the interest of simplicity, they will be known as 'cousins'.

Hannah Carol 21 Aug 2011

Hannah is a beautiful six-month old baby-girl who could have loaned some of her gestational time to Luka since she decided to make her mommy wait a whole two weeks longer before gracing them with her presence!  She is a babbling, porridge-eating, 12-hour a night sleeping cutie-pie!

Luka's reaction when Hannah told him that he won't be
getting a cool stroller like hers!

1 comment:

  1. Ha-ha, this is so cute. Hannah is a beautiful baby as well! I love the last picture as well. He was pretty upset, I guess! I am so glad all the cousins and babies are so lucky to have such beautiful babies. they will bring many years of happiness to you.

