Monday, August 22, 2011

Luka turns five months old!

21 Aug - Luka en 'boetie' Sebastian who likes to say "MY Luka"
Indeed, I look at Luka this morning as we do our ritual 'breastfeeding with a view' from the bedroom we still share here in Scarborough in the Western Cape, and I ask myself....where has the time gone?  Our little man is actually five months old today (though to keep things complicated is still only considered a 3-month old).

In his short life he has traveled through Australia, South Africa, England, Dubai, Singapore and Scotland by air, train, bus, punt, car and infant carrier . He has acquired an Australian birth certificate, South African and American passports; flown more than 50 hours; been thrown out of a bar; visited by a police officer; had emergency surgery; acquired multiple $1,000 + a piece vaccinations; was baptized next to a Springbok rugby player, and most importantly quit his dummy cold turkey for his five-month birthday, in lieu of the newly discovered phenomenon *the fist*!  Way to go little guy!

We love you and we love everyone in the world who has loved you, cared for you, sent you presents, and most importantly, prayed for you.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this is such a lovely pic of Luka and Sebastian!! I am so glad he is thriving well. We have so much to be thankful for. He is really amazing. Once again, congratulations. He wouldn't have done so well, if he didn't have such stunning parents!

