Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A hike a day..

...keeps the stir-crazy away.  While living up here on the hillside outside Dili, there is not much we can do out the front door, mainly due to the fact that our house sits perched on top of the main North-South highway in the country (now granted, it looks more like a windy driveway to a haunted castle than an Interstate, but nonetheless).  With swerving trucks packed far beyond capacity with bags of rice, live chickens and daily commuters, honking and speeding around bends, and youngsters on scooters overtaking said trucks on said blind corners, it is not exactly the safest road for a walk with a stroller.

Fortunately for us, we now have an alternative that keeps Luka closer to us, and out of harms way - so from time to time, we muster up the courage and head out for a hike with a new apparatus that is firmly affixed to our (read: Chris) back, enabling a fast dodge for any oncoming hazard.  A friend recently mentioned on facebook that he has the Lexus of hiking backpacks, I think we have the Rolls Royce if I look closely at all the gadgets and nifty bits of this one - perhaps we should have a hike-off!  And of course, Luka looooooves it.  I think part of the fun for him is to be at the same height as mommy trotting alongside him because the smile stretches from ear to ear...that is, right up until the time he falls fast asleep...

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