Saturday, June 25, 2011

5am Musings from a hospital bed

They say you find out what real fear, worry and pain is when your child is sick or in trouble (yes Pa, I know, I know....after all I put you through), and I am coming to realixe that first-hand. While we anticipated yesterday's surgery (unlike the last adventure) and even came properly prepared (I am donning my pj's afterall), watching your infant being wheeled into surgery is not something you can ever be quite prepared for.

We are close to going home again, and as I lie here in Room 6A with Luka asleep in my arms, I cannot help but reminisce about some of the realities and milestones of this experience.

I put Luka to bed in a infant incubator in the neo-natal intensive care unit at 6PM, by the time we got back from dinner at 8pm, he had been moved outside the brightly-lit, always-buzzing humdrum of this most sacred spot where special people care for our special babies. Feeding him I looked in on all those tiny babies and realized that Luka will likely never be in the NICU again...heaven forbid he comes to hospital again, he will go to the pediatric ward.

By 2am I changed and fed him in the nursery, and by 5am he is lying withme in bed, fast asleep and peaceful. What an experience you have given us, perhaps enough for a while?

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