Friday, June 3, 2011

Delightful Daily Discoveries

At a risk of sounding like a massive cliché, allow me to just say that of all the crazy things I've done in my utterly fulfilled life, holding a gurgling, cooing, happy, healthy (and now full-term) newborn has to be one of the most amazing experiences in the world. Watching his little movements and intense concentration on something, only to switch momentarily to something one of the most peaceful emotions I have ever experienced (much much more peaceful than the sporadic bouts of yelling indicating some level of frustration with his inexperienced parents!)

Take the past two days for far as discoveries go, they must be right up there as best ones in the world I would say (not to mention from the perspective of a should be 1-week old baby), first of - yesterday: The Tongue.  I mean, imagine what he must think..."hm, what is the delightful, squishy, totally awesome device I find here in my mouth...not entirely sure how to use it yet, but seems it belongs to me, and when I open my little mouth, I can magically make it go in and out, and out, and in and, well, mostly out.  But I mean really, how cool is that!"

Followed today on this lovely Friday in Cape Town by the first serious practice session of the most melt-your-heartable SMILE! And no, I do not mean the 'oh that? that's a wind/cramp/accident' - I mean the kind of smile that he beams at his mommy's voice or a gentle tickle on the cheek.

So, as far as Luka's week is concerned - I'd say pretty impressive, and with the bonus that no one had a scalpel anywhere near his shorts in over a week!

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