Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What's hot, and what's not

Exhibit A - Cheekalicious!
Living with an infant seems to be something like living with a very cute and squishy schizophrenic bi-polar split personality.  One day a bath is the best thing since breast milk, the next day no way Jose, whatcha trying to do, boil me into a broth?  Similarly, you would think we ceremoniously pull out toenails with some of the nappy changes, only to have Mr. Tranquility himself two days later...

Shamelessly plagiarizing Newsweek:

This week in Luka's world:

    • Bouncing - Luka would like his parents to know that under no circumstances can they ever sit with their legs still again, EVER, we must have BOUNCE (aaaallll the time)
    • Smiling - we have discovered our smile, and is not afraid to use it!
    • Vitamin retention - following a few touch-an-go weeks where vitamins were generally frowned upon, retention seems to have skyrocketed!
    • Vocalization - after the eerie silence of preemie-hood, watch out world, we have a VOICE!
    • Cheek circumference - "Is it me, or is it's very cheeky in here?"

  • Pooping - that's right, after the initial post-op bi-hourly poop explosions we're on a hiatus from moving our bowels, and have been for a few days (though in no way does that hiatus extend to flatulence - we have actually considered hanging a car freshener around his waist)
  • Holding down our feeds - seems more fun to see whether we can make an equal amount of laundry for mommy as for ourselves by consistently reverse drinking a rather shocking amount of our feeds.

  • Nappy changes - since this time last week the usefulness or general existence of nappy changes has been seriously in question

Either way, they certainly know how to keep 'em (read: unsuspecting inexperienced parents) wondering! 

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