Wednesday, June 1, 2011

All clear (with a small caveat)

After our eventful week at the Vincent Pallotti hospital last week, Luka returned to the pediatrician and surgeon today for a follow-up on his emergency inguinal herniotomy.  The good news is that the left side has healed wonderfully and he is clearly a much happier boy.  The other news is that the surgeon wants to do an ultrasound in about two weeks time to check the right-side for a similar hernia.  There is a small chance that it is present, but the good thing is if we identify it in the ultrasound we can do an elective surgery as an outpatient procedure (theoretically avoiding all the excitement of an emergency room run).

In other news, while we were at it, Luka also visited an ophthalmologist for the final 'all clear' on the Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP), and the scan came back a-ok, so another one off the list.

Seems our boy is slowly swimming out of the deep waters, and is very much turning into a full-blown newborn now complete with changing moods, likes, dislikes and the cutest smiles (I don't care if they are not 'voluntary' yet!).

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