Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My first hike

On an absolutely gorgeous warm winters day in Cape Town, exactly 12 weeks after my birth (2.5 weeks after my due date) my mommy and daddy loaded the 20-year old Toyota 4x4 with a picnic, an awesome Ergo Baby carrier, my grandma and grandpa, and yes ME!  We headed to the Cape Point Nature Reserve to hike in the Olifantsbos area to a local wreck on a pristine beach.

"Walk 'n feed" - an advanced breastfeeding skill I picked
up from my fellow-nursery moms in the Outback

Criss-crossing the rocky beach near Olifantsbos

Awesome day

Pure pristine beach, my new favorite spot.

Part of the wreck from long ago, the whole beach
is a bonafide treasure chest, can't wait to take Luka back
when he is old enough to enjoy all the fun things!

Whale bone on the beach

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