Thursday, June 23, 2011

Luka and his grandparents

Grandma Julie meeting Luka for the first time, June 9 2011
On June 8th Luka's grandma and grandpa arrived all the way from California to spend a few weeks getting to know him.  While grandma Julie was rooting for a girl the whole time, all resistance melted away when she laid eyes on their third grandson for the first time.

Luka showing off for grandma and grandpa
For the past ten days it has been such a pleasure having them around the house where my way too energetic father-in-law has occasionally been spotted between errands, dish washing, breakfast makings, light fixing, trash hauling, and a myriad of other useful activities.
As for grandma?  She declared herself the chief baby-holder to free Chris and I to go about getting some things done.  As my dear friend Stacy (also a new mom) recently mentioned to me, watching our families with our children is an amazing experience, particularly realizing that someone else can love your child almost as much as you do!

We look forward to welcoming Luka's Ouma and Oupa back on Saturday for a combined family-affair!

Hands down my single most favorite photo of the
in-laws in nearly fourteen years together!

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