Thursday, June 30, 2011

We are marching to Pretoria...

Or flying at least.  Night before our first flight since arriving in Cape Town from Darwin with Luka on May 4th.  It is absolutely insane to even begin to think how we managed that trip with more than twice the luggage (including a printer, newly arrived car seat, and clothes for two seasons), and only half the infant...

Luka currently weighs roughly 4.2kg, to think when we came here, it was only just over 2.5kg...amazing.  More amazing is that he packs nearly as much luggage as we do - hm, how does that happen?

In other news, we were sad to see Grandma and Grandpa Serjak depart yesterday.  What a splendid trip we all had together, certainly one for the books.  We'll have to work on the next time they get to see Luka - the way he's going, he might be walking by Christmas ;)

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