Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Happy eleven weeks!

Luka in the nature reserve behind our house.
Photo by Brenda Wardall from 'Hearts in a Shutter'
On this lovely wintery Tuesday in Cape Town, we are delighted to celebrate Luka's 11 week birthday today, and even more thrilled to welcome his grandma and grandpa from California tomorrow.

As luck would have it though, our little man celebrated his birthday with a little 'gut assistance' in the form of a glycerin tablet deposited somewhat uncomfortably (for both of us) for the lack of well, 'activity' for a week.  Might explain why his Aries horoscope this week is all about  'pushing harder for what you want' or something of this nature - I was still too traumatized to really pay attention.

Still hoping he'll have one hell of a sense of humor to make it in this family...
Our little favorite little featherweight!

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