Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Day in Sri Lanka

After camp Changi was dismantled, we boarded an overbooked flight full of returning Sri Lankans to Colombo.  Despite our best efforts to sleep Luka as much as possible, the combination of the sneezing woman behind us, and all the fascinated Sri Lankans at this smiley baby who were constantly engaging with him, making sleep the last thing on his mind.  Traveling with Luka has now become somewhat like traveling with a small tornado.  As when he was little, he remains an excellent flyer (no screaming, no ear aches), it's just that...well, there is no sitting either.  So we play defense by passing him back and forth as he lunges himself at the back of the seat, all the while smiling at everyone and everything he can lay his eyes on.

Scrub-a-dub-dub - Luka's in the ... sink
We survived the flight and arrived red-eyed at Colombo International Airport somewhere in the vicinity of 0400.  We were met by a lovely driver who transported us the roughly one hour to a friend's house in a lovely part of Colombo.  We tried to thwart Luka by giving him his second 'bad tyd' of the evening by showering and bottling him at 0500 hoping for at least a few hours sleep.  True to form though he was up at 0630 and ready to go.  We spent the day in a bit of a sleep deprived daze, but relaxed by our friend's pool, took a stroll to the supermarket, and then had a lovely Christmas dinner with an American-Ghanean couple living here in Sri Lanka.   But not before we gave Luka his Christmas bath.  Not wanting to get into the shower right before dinner ourselves, we opted for the second best thing.

God bless good friends who welcomed us into their home for Christmas, and god bless Luka and his sense of humor. 

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