Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hangin' with my peeps

One of the nice things about living in Dili during the recent baby-boom is that there is plenty opportunity for socializing (for both bubs and 'rents alike).  Tuesdays at Nicole's has become somewhat of an institution - no less for the great company than for the great coffee (fabulous espresso or cappuccino) and awesome cookies.

What is great is it seems to benefit everyone - parents (many of whom steal away from work to say hello to their bubs), nannies (who all know each other and hang out) and of course, the little ones - whom most of which have just come into a place of development now where they are actually noticing other babies around them.

Here is Luka with buddy Morrison - his Australian-South-African brother (with a daddy who is 6foot 4 (at least) no wonder he is Luka's size despite being two months his junior!)

Hey there mate! 

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