Saturday, December 17, 2011

Feeding frenzy

When we moved from Cape Town to Dili, I packed a childhood favorite of mine in anticipation of this whole solids business.  Maltabella pap (or porridge). The thick, chocolate brown colored, malty porridge was always a favorite growing up, and sure enough, guess who else loves it.  But ever wondered what it takes to feed a seven-month old his porridge?

Loving every minute of his breakfast.

Apparently it takes 1 tooth, 2 spoons, 1 rattle, a nappy to protect the chair, a big plastic bib, and finally, a shower.

Poor rattle had three baths today!

1 comment:

  1. This is so cute!! Amazing how he likes to eat everything. And he may make a mess, and will do so for a long time!

