Saturday, December 31, 2011

Swanky New Years Eve Brunch

After a lovely evening at the wedding of our friends at the Mt. Lavinia Hotel in Colombo(and the whole reason for visiting Sri Lanka).  Chris and I rode a tuk-tuk back to the much less swanky hotel nearby where we stayed (also known as the only room left in the entire neighborhood on the 30th of December).  We booked into a hotel 1km from the wedding and hired a babysitter recommended by Susan's office in Colombo.  She is a marketing executive who babysits expat babies (Sri Lankans apparently do not have a culture of babysitting, and expats are apparently the only terrible parents who would leave our children unattended in the care of a non-family member) be that as it may, $7 an hour later, Chris and I set off to the wedding.  Chris did duck back to the hotel after the ceremony to feed and put Luka to sleep, meaning we pretty much paid the babysitter to watch TV and eat roomservice.

The following morning we took a stroll back to the Mt. Lavinia to say farewell to all the friends and the lovely couple who set off on a tour of Sri Lanka.  Work commitments unfortunately meant that we could not join them.  We did however partake of the nice poolside brunch at the wedding hotel before heading back to our friend's home where we spent the day by the pool and new years eve ducking and covering.

Back to brunch... we were overjoyed that the hotel had high chairs, meaning we could actually not play 'defense' for once as Luka was somewhat safely strapped in.  Here's what he had to say about the fare on offer.
Look at my dexterity mommy, I can see the bread stick,
reach for it...

...and pick it up to show you...

...EXACTLY how I feel about eating breadsticks at a
swanky brunch!... move that plate of food closer to me!

1 comment:

  1. This is sooooo cute! Am glad you enjoyed your trip to Sri Lanka!

