Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Traveling through Sri Lanka

One of the shrines within the temple
Despite the slightly longer than anticipated drive, the trip to Kandy was totally worth it.  We hired a local guide, though slightly senile (he kept repeating things over and over again), ancient and lisping - he was a wealth of information about the important place of Sri Lanka in the Buddhist faith.  He carefully explained all the details in the Temple of the Tooth, the most revered temple in all of Sri Lanka where, legend has it, a tooth of the Buddha is kept in a gold casket (well, seven actually).  Throughout our tour of the sprawling temple, Luka was a trooper.   Since it was a no-shoe temple, it was also a no-stroller temple, so he rode along happily in his Ergo Carrier, entertaining all the Sri Lankan grandmothers along the way who delighted in eliciting a response from him...right up until he passed out (see photo).
Our super traveler having a much-deserved nap after
smiling at each and every pilgrim in the Temple.

In addition to the temple, we took a stroll down the main street, ate fresh roti for lunch, and had a beer (or two) at the old colonial Queens Hotel, where Luka also enjoyed his lunch and a couple of nappy changes.

Chillin' out old school at the Queens Hotel
Tonight we're off to dinner at the groom's family home in Wattala.  We're packing Luka's dinner, pajamas and his collapsible bed to make sure we ca enjoy the night without worrying about what he is up to at home.

A beautifully painted door inside the temple

1 comment:

  1. Hi

    Wow, this trip to Sri Linka, seeing the Buddist temple must have been worthwile! And Luka is already a good tourist!
