Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Rest Stop

Yummie, yummie - mixed juice.
Whilst visiting Sri Lanka, we figure it only fitting to visit the most revered temple in the nation.  The Buddhist Temple of the Tooth, located in the lovely town of Kandy.  The driver turned out to be slightly longer than we anticipated, leading to a nearly 11 hour round-trip for only 3 hours in Kandy. Luka was a trooper ad didn't scream nearly as much as I would have in his position (strapped into a car seat facing the front end of a bus trailing way too close for comfort!)

We were picked up by a driver in a Toyota Prius at 0730, and set off on our adventure.  Along the way we stopped for juice and nappy changes.  At our rest stop, Luka just would not let Chris have his juice to himself - so, was introduced to his first fresh fruit juice.

More on the temple shortly...
Hey! Give me more juice!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there

    Boy, can really see Luka is keeping you so busy! That is your fault for letting him eat and drink everything!

