Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Luka's new friend: Rennie the Rescue Bulldog

Hey there! My name is Luka, you
drool a lot!
Luka made a new friend yesterday - his name is Rennie.  Rennie is a rescue Bulldog from Amman, Jordan that had a rather rough start in life before our good friend saved him.  We figured Luka has found 'his people' in Rennie - let's see - they're both 'stout' and close to the ground, have cute bottom front teeth, chubby cheeks - and drool a lot.
Hey there little pink dude - let me give you a kiss.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that is adorable... does that mean the Bassets are now free to visit as well? Would you let him crawl around on the floor when they are near? Sorry I don't comment often - I mostly check the blog from my BlackBerry and it doesn't allow me to post comments... but you know, now that I'm "studying" I find time for lots of other things... haha
