Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The 10-week mark

Well, today is officially ten weeks since little Luka joined our family and also the day that marks his mommy's first solo voyage into the big bad world.  Unfortunately it involved a rather pressing visit to the chiropractor to finally address the deteriorating state of my lower back following a combined seven weeks positioned in a compromised reclining position necessary for optimal kangarooing, coupled with the not-so-short transfer from Darwin to Cape Town.  I walked out of there with two follow-up appointments and a comment that my back is rather uncooperative for having been left this long without treatment - in the meantime I continue to rise out of my chair hunched over like Quasimodo's long-lost cousin.

I was reminded of all the comments and warnings I received about 'mommy-brains' when I found myself constantly checking and re-checking my few belongings in the mall.  A simple visit to the chiropractor, followed by a visit to the local pharmacy to get prescription eye drops for Luka's final ophthalmologic appointment tomorrow saw me checking, re-checking and confirming my wallet, sunglasses, purse, purchase and mobile phone about twenty times.

In the end, I think the experience was good for me, and also allowed Chris some quality study time with Luka strapped to his chest in his favorite cozy wrap, next to the fireplace, with a rainy Cape Town day outside.

When I returned, I felt strangely invigorated for having ventured out and survived (despite half dozen or so text messages to Chris in the process) so topped the day off with a batch of fabulous chocolate chip cookies and a butternut squash risotto for dinner.

Tomorrow, back to the hospital for follow-up visits with the surgeon, pediatrician and ophthalmologist.  

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