Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Another passport application

In completing the online US passport application for Luka this morning, I couldn't help but think it was a least a little funny to use the same application for infants and adults alike.

Date Of Birth: 03/22/2011 
Place Of Birth: DARWIN, AUS 
Social Security Number: 000-00-0000 - definitely does not have this yet.
Sex: Male 
Height: 1FT. 6IN. - and growing by the day...
Hair Color: Blonde - for the time being
Eye Color: Blue - like every other infant
Occupation: INFANT - I still think'lactation engineer'  has a better ring to it...

Married: NO  - Does an arranged marriage agreement count?

We're off to the paediatrician and US Consulate today.  Let's see how much the little guy grew in the past week!  More soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Well, Luka is going to be a worldclass traveller, that is for sure! As long as he comes to visit oupa and ouma here in Brooklyn, South Africa!

    Love ouma from South Africa!
