Monday, May 23, 2011

Help needed: Baby vitamins

Alright, I realize the "Internets" should be able to answer just about every question I have concerning baby-wellbeing, rearing, clothing, educating, and everything in between.  I have, I believe, however exhausted my own ideas for administering what I am quickly beginning to consider a terrible menace - baby VITAMINS!  Known as 'vomit medicine' according to Luka's new paediatrician in Cape Town, I am amazed that some smart folks in white coats with thick glasses have not yet come up with a better solution than foul tasting, foul smelling liquid vitamins.  From the neon yellow pineapple Australian varietal known as Pentavite to the less fruity South African Vi-Daylin version that more closely resembles molasses in consistency and color.  Either which way, I cannot get Luka to hold down a meaningful amount of the mere 0.6mls he is required to receive daily for the next four months due to his early arrival.

I assume the fact that he is required to take the vitamins and iron, means it is important - hence, my interest in ensuring he actually retains some (most?) of it, some of the time.  Therefore, my request for any special ideas other mommy/doctor/nurse-readers on this blog has come up with for administering.  So far I have tried:

1. Administering it on its own
2. Administering mixed with EBM (Expressed breast milk)
3. Administering on an empty stomach
4. Administering on a full stomach
5. Administering half-way through a feed
6. Using a small syringe
7. Using the dropper that comes with the vitamins
8. Using a bottle (which I was not crazy about, seeing as how we did practice for six weeks how to breast feed, I would prefer we avoid 'nipple confusion' at this point)
9. Administering lying down (not good)
10. Administering at a slight incline
11. Burping frequently during the administration and subsequent feed
12. Not burping

I welcome any clever ideas from anyone that I may be missing...otherwise, I suppose we will just power on.

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