Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Godmothers' point of view....

.... I guess this will sum it all up for you:  I want to steal him!

We arrived from a freezing cold Johannesburg, to a wonderfully sunny, wind-free Cape Town.  To say that the Serjaks old Toyota Hilux is slow is a complete understatement.  I firmly believe I could've run here faster than it took on the trip from the Airport to Scarborough to meet my Godson.  Yes, I know - the anticipation of the big meeting was making everything seem to take very long.

Next up were the 45 steps from the parking to the house and by this time I could see my sister, carefully concealing a bump under a few meters of fabric.  The photo's don't do Luka justice.  Don't say that I'm biased, I don't care who you are - when you meet him you will agree:  he is the absolutely most incredibly beautiful baby I have ever laid eyes on.  He is one tiny bundle of absolute perfection.  There is not a grunt, fart or dirty diaper that can take any of his perfection away.

The only way I'll ever reclaim my heart will be if I am blessed with my own little bundle of joy one day... until then, my heart is firmly planted in Scarborough - en route to Timor Leste in September.  Have I mentioned that I'll be moving to Timor Leste in September to become a permanent Au Pair?  I'm sure a degree in Human  Resources will have some place in raising a little bundle of joy.

My only criticism is the inconvenience of handing him back to my sister when she needs to breastfeed him - the one thing I haven't managed to take over from her yet.  I am the official nappy-changer, cuddler, comforter and dresser of said little bundle of happiness.  Speaking of which, Grandma has now had enough time with him while I had my shower and as I'm typing this - thus, it is time to say goodbye and re-claim my Godson....

But before I go I have so say something of the wonderful parents that Chris and my sister are.  You would think they have done this a million times!  I've never seen parents that work together as such a team.  The love and joy and security that Luka will grow up to know is absolutely incredible.  There cannot be another baby in this world that has a Parent-Team such as this.  Their love and respect for one another is so incredibly beautiful and inspiring - people should come here for lessons!

I love you guys more than there are words in any vocabulary to explain.... but I must admit - now I love Luka even more than that.... he is (after-all) the product of the love of my two favorite people in the world....

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