Sunday, May 22, 2011

Luka turns two months!

Luka in his cute "100% pure Baby" outfit
on 22 May, 2011 - his 2 month birthday
(a gift from Nicole and Phil in Senegal)
And so, with almost a week left before his due date, Luka celebrated his 2-month birthday on Sunday, 22 May with the Marx family in attendance. Fortunately for him the rapture did not impede on the celebrations, and mommy even managed to complete the challenging Lemon Meringue Pie ordered by Luka's Oupa to double as the birthday cake.*

To try and describe the past two months in a post seems almost impossible, but suffice it to say that in two months Luka has lived on two continents, nearly doubled his weight, applied for two passports, and made two people incredibly proud and happy to be his parents.

With ouma and oupa in the backyard

* The pie combined the Lemon Curd and 3-2-1 Flaky Pie Crust recipes from the book "The Secret of Baking" by Sherry Yard, and the meringue topping from Irma S. Rombauer's 1970's classic edition "The Joy of Cooking"   

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