Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Luka's long way home Part II: Singapore-Dubai-Cape Town

At Darwin airport before our first flight to Singapore -
incidentally the photo was taken by one of the
Special Care Nurses traveling to Singapore with her family
Once we made it past the first flight, I could finally calm my nerves that Luka would survive the dreaded take-off and landing. It is amazing how illogical one can become in a situation as unknown as that of traveling with a newborn...thoughts rushed through my mind that I might somehow lose my milk on the flight (air pressure perhaps?) or that Luka would suddenly stop eating regularly, to name but a few of the million things that rush through your mind.

Luka's first flight - Jetstar from Darwin to Singapore
Fortunately, none of the fears materialized and he was a wonderful traveler. Apart from a few baffled immigration officers (including the same one I remember checking my passport in Darwin in November when we went for our 14-week Nuchal Fold Scan) we made it to Singapore without any hassles.  Luka slept for the majority of the flight waking a fairly regular intervals for feeds. Just to be safe, I kept my watch on Darwin time and logged all the feeds in Luka's journal to make sure that we kept a good schedule and do not risk losing any weight.

We had a four-hour layover in Singapore, where Luka and Chris settled in for an old favorite past-time...napping.
Having a little snooze in Singapore...

And finally, after 36-hours of flying, we arrived in Cape Town, in one piece.....we were greeted by a lovely sunset over Table Mountain.

Finally, we touched down in Cape Town...

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