Sunday, May 15, 2011

More family!

One of the most rewarding experiences since our unexpected arrival has been sharing him with loved ones, and in particular family.  While our time with family has so far been limited by virtue mostly of travel distances (which to a great extent was the catalyst for this blog), we cherish the ones we've had and eagerly look forward to upcoming visits.  Apart from the wonderful visit by my mom in Darwin, we are excited to see my family (consisting of Oupa Corrie, Ouma Estelle and Godmother Marie) this coming week, and are also in countdown mode for Chris' folks flying out from California in three weeks' time.

It has not all been family-less however, as we welcomed Susan's uncle, and Luka's great-uncle, oom Johann Marx for a quick coffee between a meeting in Stellenbosch and a near-missed flight back to Johannesburg on Friday.  Incidentally Johann was one of the first people to put my mind at ease reminding me that he himself (along with his twin-sister) were also born at seven months, and they seemed to have turned out alright.  He also tells the story of my grandmother convinced she was having twins, only to have the doctor dispel the notion repeatedly.  It was not until after Johann's birth while waiting for the placenta, when, nearly forty minutes later my aunt unexpectedly arrived to which my grandmother reportedly exclaimed to the doctor: "You bloody fool, I told you there were two!"

Never argue with a woman's intuition I suppose!  Thanks for stopping by oom Johann!    

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    I can just imagine how jealous oupa will be to see this lovely picture of his brother Johann holding his grandson! However, oupa is in for a surprise! It is definitely an amazing thing to hold your grandchild (and the first grandchild) for the first time!
    Love, Ouma from SA
