Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"Me time"

For the past seven weeks everyone I have encountered have reminded me how important it is to take time for myself.  Well-wishers from around the world constantly remind me how important it is that I take care of my myself, if I am to effectively take care of Luka.  The old saying "sleep when the baby sleeps" is often found in my inbox these days.  Of course, those who know me also know that I am the world's worst napper.  My mom likes to tell the story of how my parents had to tape black trash bags to the inside of my bedroom windows as a child to fool me into thinking it was night time, in an attempt to get me to nap.

Well, I might not nap, but I have found a wonderful way of spending some quality time doing something else I enjoy..

Take one cozy winter afternoon, worthy of a fire...

 ...add one cooperative little bub...

...then add one of my favorite workout instructors from way back when we lived in Venice, California - Mandy Ingber - purveyor of Yogalosophy  (and perhaps best known as Jennifer Aniston's yogi) and you have...

...'yoga with a view'....

Thanks for all the caring messages from all of you!  

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