Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New arrival!

We were reminded again today that Luka really does not cry or fuss without good reason.  I have recently been complaining about a new past-time for our little booby leech - biting!  While he seems to think it is quite amusing, I can tell you as the one on the receiving end, I am less than thrilled.  Then came the slightly more fussy behavior over the past few days, an extra wake at night, and some other nigglies uncharacteristic of our happy boy.  The mystery was finally solved this afternoon when Luka stuck both his and my thumb in his mouth during our kitchen dancing session over lunch - and sure enough, there was a tiny little new tooth!  

The little pearly white is so tiny that I must admit I was not yet able to catch it on film, but I'll give it my best shot over the weekend.  I guess this heralds yet another new phase for us - with the way he eats solids these days, this might mean he could have turkey or ham for Christmas!

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