Sunday, November 13, 2011

Timor time = dive time

Cool dude #1 and Cool dude #2
Well, had pretty much the perfect Saturday today.  Allow me to elaborate....
0600 - wake up to the coohs of a certain little dude playing whole-heartedly with the newest best toy ever - his toes.  Peeked over his crib to the biggest smile and arms flapping in this new Big Bird impersonation he has perfected.
0700 - bread maker sounds for a freshly baked multi-grain loaf
0730 - lovely new nanny shows up
0800 - Luka enjoys his porridge while mommy and daddy puts the finishing touches on the packing which means daddy is loading two crates of dive gear while mommy packs the cooler with home baked bread PBJ sandwiches, fruit salad, home made blueberry muffins (oh, did I forget to mention that those came out of the oven at 0730 thanks to Chris), and plenty of sunscreen
0830 - departure out of Dili, swing by the dive shop to collect 4 tanks, and off we go up the east coast approximately 45km
Hit that water!
1000 - put up camp at our first dive site, Marble Rock, which includes a Kelty sunshield tent, Chris unloads and rigs the gear while mommy gives Luka a pre-dive breast feed.
1030 - we hit the water for the first dive, awesome, calm, beautiful, just the two of us
1130 - lunch sandwiches, ginger beer, muffins, chocolate chip cookies, and peace and quiet - wonderful
1215 - Pack up, move to Secret Spot (the place of the infamous Dugong sighting when I 'didn't feel like diving' that day - turns out I was pregnant) - second dive, even more stunning, peaceful, tranquility - wonderful.

Followed by a lovely swim with our water-loving little man and return to Dili around 3pm, dropped off Michelle, came home, Luka had some more veggies, played with us, breastfeed, bath, and asleep by 18:15!  And now, after the babysitter checks in for the evening, we will attempt what we have not attempted yet - to go to a grown-up party tonight (if mommy can stay awake)!  Wish us luck.
Definitely Luka's last swim in his 3-6 months swimsuit...

1 comment:

  1. Hi there

    I am catching up some blog postings. Wow, can see you are all enjoying the beach so much! Am pretty jealous I am not there!Luka looks so relaxed here.

    Skoonma from South Africa
