Monday, November 14, 2011

Whoa, what's that flavor...ssssssour!

Hm, new food - cool!
In continuing Luka's flavor journey, he was recently introduced to yogurt.  Now since there are none in Dili, we employ some assistance from a Kiwi invention called an EasyYo that allows you to make your own home-made yogurt with a little bucket-looking thing, some boiling water, and a packet of easy-yo.  We have come to depend on it as much as on our bread-maker where there are sometimes weeks if not months without either in the supermarket.

As with most of the food we have introduced him to, he honestly seemed to like it, despite the somewhat surprised look when this new SOUR flavor hit his jowls.

Whoa! What's that tingly feeling in my jawline!!!
 Yowzer that was sour!

1 comment:

  1. Ha-ha! His face is so cute!! Luka is so lucky to have you as parents introducing him to all types of food!

    Skoonma from South Africa
