Sunday, November 27, 2011

Atauro Island

Luka decided to treat auntie Becca to a trip to the local island about an hour off the coast of Dili.  Here are a few photos from our recent visit to Atauro island.  The jist of it is a small eco resort with five cabins, solar power, pit toilets, bucket showers, good food, plenty of sunshine and cold Tiger beer.  What's not to like?

Friday had us chilling in the cabin, swimming and watching Luka trying to feed himself spinach.  On Saturday we wandered out to the local market where we had a fish meal and some local cold drinks, and ventured out on the back of a tuc-tuc to the local Italian restaurant (note: order the morning you plan to have lunch there or prepare to wait 2.5hours for a pizza - fortunately we were forewarned). 

We had an absolutely wonderful weekend teething, cold and broken down water taxi on the way back notwithstanding.  

Luka hanging out with auntie Becca

Fishing nets adorn a local eatery on the beach

Enjoying fresh coconut milk from the source
Luka's voyage out on local transport a la tuc tuc. 

Chillin in my swim trainer out front of our cabin

Pre-bedtime bath

Blessed family

Sunset over our cabin and beach cabana


  1. Hi Guys,
    Sounds like paradise,Luka is such a bonny lad.
    Love to you all from a windy Scarborough!

  2. Hi

    What lovely pictures. Can see Luka enjoyed himself so much

